Monday, April 20, 2015

A Brief Message 'round Midnight.

I surprise myself again. Today I was down to two Percocet from the allowed six.  I'm not having pain so much as scrapes and chronic aches.

I've been sleeping a lot but dreaming of what?  I couldn't tell you. My head is alive in an alternate universe at the moment. If you see me driving a car, get out of the way.  I've been spending the days in my bed, which at the moment is charming and warm. I know I'll chafe against the bars soon enough; for now I just want to heal.

The day Charles brought me back from the hospital was glorious--80, light everywhere. Even the ruins of last year's garden looked good. Rally was sweet, he could see that I was hurt and he kept--and keeps--both company and watch. He treads me carefully.

I have a drain, a huge amount of gauze and pads soaking up the afterglow of surgery. I don't know when it will all fall out or be satisfied that it has drained and wasted me enough.

I was touched, very much so, by all the well wishes from so many healthy faces on Facebook. A simple recognition beats a complex social game every time. And simplicity is my new theme.

Today I saw the plastic surgeon for follow up, which meant tedious dressing changes, but he ended up 95% happy--5% witnessing a hole develop at the top of the graft where the muscle pulled away. It's to be monitored and cared for for the great ladies of Wound Care.  I have confidence.

That high percentage of satisfaction too means that I exceeded expectations yet again!  And he called me tough, which was a nice compliment.

Anyway, I thought a brief synopsis was in order and a bit of bragging and a big thank you for the real fuel that keeps me going.

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