Thursday, February 21, 2013

Patient Education: Dry as a Bone

the medical industry should never...

make their own DVDs and I come to this conclusion after watching a patient education video on post surgical care for tube insertion. The upside is that the monotone voice totally distracted me from the gross of what was going on in the presentation. This was a voice like Mary Hartman's discussing the virtues of lemon scented cleaners. It was the most singularly unaffected tone I've heard. The narrator did not vary when discussing the possibilities of post-surgical infection to the vom-inducing idea of "checking for residuals" after one has been given a feeding. 

I've long held that the human body is disgusting, basically. I could never understand why anyone would choose to study it and the less I think of it, the better. I'm amazed that it's a fault map of crevices and patches  where any number of creepy symbiotic relationships are pursued between it and the myriad microscopic vulgarities that call it home. One with a tube hanging out of it is not, therefore, designed to attract my affection, even my own. 

So, this is a brief postscript before the tube goes in. Leaving in an hour. Tumbrels at the front door. Luckily no baying crowds!


  1. OK, so I laughed at this, especially because I know how fastidious you generally are :)

  2. I had to laugh too. My first real job was in sales promotion at a group of film companies that produced and distributed patient education videos, among other things. One of the first films I watched there was "Managing Your Urostomy" which completely disgusted me and so I was at a total loss when coming up with the appropriate marketing patter to promote it. I hope the surgery went well, and that future videos are of higher quality. Liz Hubertz
