Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life is full of mysteries, and one of them is why I don't feel good today.

I woke up feeling questionable, and that advanced to feeling definitely not so great--but I can't point to the thing, the system, the reason, or even what feels wrong to me. General malaise, perhaps, the notion that something was but isn't....

I wouldn't know how to say this to a doctor. I can't go left or right, and there's no pain scale numeral. I just didn't feel like eating, I just didn't feel like leaving the house. 

My first pass at sleeping tonight is not working, I'm up, while Scott sleeps, wondering what my problem is. Like anyone, I enjoy definitions. Knowing where I am and what the pointing means is not at all a bad thing. 

But tonight, we'll muddle through without that...a bit of cancer buzzkill, I suppose, and I should feel lucky I've had precious little of that to deal with. I have a fitting tomorrow for my radiation mask, so wish me luck that I feel up to it. I need to start, and I need to get this done, and I need to know that wellness lies just beyond it all. 

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